home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
Text File | 1994-06-16 | 30.5 KB | 670 lines | [TEXT/ALFA] |
- ================================================================================
- = 5.81 6-15-94
- ================================================================================
- • no colors backslashed comments
- • statusWin on the bottom (and slightly smaller)
- • fixed bug with named marks
- • stationary bug fixed
- • Disassemble and preprocess now work with Think.
- • 'getline' port problem fixed
- ================================================================================
- = 5.80 6-15-94
- ================================================================================
- • auto-coloring
- • Electric alias removed. It's large. However, if you use, please send me
- mail.
- ================================================================================
- = 5.79 6-12-94
- ================================================================================
- • Think interaction much more solid. 'Debug' menu command now works!
- • 'blinkingCursor' flag added
- • 'statusPrompt' routine added
- • 'colorize' is back, and there is a new routine in the think menu that
- uses it (defined in ":Tcl:UserCode:colorize.tcl").
- • The 'search' command now accepts arbitraily sized search patterns.
- • Tab in csh mode now does more, and it's func (tclFileCompletion) is
- now a Tcl proc defined in shell.tcl.
- • 'cpdir' Tcl script created, copies directories recursively.
- • 'rmdir' and 'mkdir' now work with names that have spaces.
- • 'replaceAll' now works with regular expression substitutions.
- • 'listPick' can now allow multiple selections.
- • Floating statuswin added. Frees up screen real estate and gives room
- for feedback on complicated expressions. New routine 'statusPrompt'
- prompts w/o going through new windows (faster).
- ================================================================================
- = 5.77 5-2-94
- ================================================================================
- • Read-only volumes recognized.
- • Method titlebar menus gone, new consistent way of marking files instead.
- • control-w while in an isearch causes the next word's worth of
- characters to be added to the search (as in emacs).
- • Typing in 'listpick' dialogs is now case-insensitive, and typing a 'c'
- no longer dumps you out.
- • Added '-ignore' option to lsort. 'createTagFile' now sorts tags
- irregardless of case.
- • 'colorize' temporarily disabled.
- • Added 'Edit File' to the fileSets submenu. Allows editing of files from
- filesets without resorting to the mouse. FileSet hierarchical menu
- moved to menubar.
- • Assorted bugs fixed.
- ================================================================================
- = 5.76 3-14-94
- ================================================================================
- • Recovery from inability to same resource info improved.
- • New color icons from Stefan Berner
- • 'file mtime' now works
- • dirty icon in window menu works again
- • latex.tcl now correctly call 'shiftRight' instead of 'shiftRightRegion'.
- ================================================================================
- = 5.75 3-11-94
- ================================================================================
- • File dates changing and resource forks left open fixed.
- • 'rglob' fixed.
- • 'editFlag' now updates menu flags when they've been changed from the
- menu.
- • The latex menu now goes away when the mode changes.
- ================================================================================
- = 5.74 3-11-94
- ================================================================================
- • 'spellcheckWindow' works again.
- ================================================================================
- = 5.73 3-11-94
- ================================================================================
- • Hopefully, the problem w/ bogus file dates is fixed.
- • 'ls -l' now shows separate data and resource totals
- • option-keystrokes now terminate incremental searches if bound
- • The menu of fileset files has been moved into "Utils", and the think
- reference menu has been moved into the Think menu.
- • Menu containing filesets to choose has changed names from 'fileSets' to
- 'choose'. You need to change all instances of 'addMenuItem -m fileSets'
- to 'addMenuItem -m choose' in your userstartup.tcl file.
- • 'gotoLine' via the titlebar now leaves the numbers in a correct state.
- ================================================================================
- = 5.72m 2-11-94
- ================================================================================
- • trying to mark fp.c kills all
- • "Show invisibles" flag added.
- • Rectangular selection works better.
- • File Set menu works better.
- • changed how insert/remove prefix works a bit. Complain if you don't
- like it.
- • scrolling from underneath float doesn't work
- • start fresh, new window, c mode from popup. menu doesn't appear.
- ================================================================================
- = 5.72l 2-11-94
- ================================================================================
- • LaTeX bindings fixed.
- ================================================================================
- = 5.72k 2-11-94
- ================================================================================
- • problem w/ creatFileSet fixed.
- ================================================================================
- = 5.72j 1-24-94
- ================================================================================
- • floating point support fixed.
- ================================================================================
- = 5.72i 1-14-94
- ================================================================================
- • backup problem fixed
- • '--' option added to 'search'
- • rectangular cut works again
- • nastiness when prompting from the shell fixed
- ================================================================================
- = 5.72h 1-13-94
- ================================================================================
- • random fixes
- ================================================================================
- = 5.72f 1-4-94
- ================================================================================
- • Drag and drop editing added.
- • Intelligent cut and paste.
- • pastePop fixed.
- • files created through Tcl routines now have 'ALFA' as creator.
- • Tcl variables 'backDir' and 'backExtension' now do what you might think.
- • 'ctime' is gone again. It adds nothing to what 'mtime' already does.
- • 'glob' bug fixed.
- ================================================================================
- = 5.72e 1-4-94
- ================================================================================
- • fixed a few color problems
- • *all* menus are now user-defined
- • menus reorganized a bit
- • iteractionCount (C-u) now defaults to 4, as with emacs.
- ================================================================================
- = 5.72b 1-2-94
- ================================================================================
- • Added rudimentary color abilities. 'colorize' and 'removeColors'.
- ================================================================================
- = 5.71 1-1-94
- ================================================================================
- • incremental and non-incremental searches now recordable in keyboard
- macros.
- • ctime, mtime, now, ticks, cvttime, putFile, and getFile are back. Glob
- is now back to an approximation of it's previous state.
- • Switched the control-q bindings of 'shrinkHigh' and 'tiled'.
- • Added 'makeMenuPermanent' proc.
- • Sped up tcl proc tracing.
- ================================================================================
- = 5.70 12-14-93
- ================================================================================
- The major change in Alpha 5.7 is that I am now using Ray Johnson's port
- of Tcl 7.0, instead of Tim Endre's port of 6.2. See Changes.TCL.7.0 for
- details of the differences.
- The following routines are (at least temporarily) gone in 5.7. Let me
- know if you can't live without them:
- ctime
- mtime
- now
- getenv
- putenv
- putfile
- getfile
- ticks
- cvttime
- getfinfo
- putfinfo
- The following routines have changed in 5.7:
- glob
- • Now using Tcl 7.0.
- • Batch searches from within Find dialog.
- • Much better performance in 'grep' Tcl proc, because of 'scancontext's
- from Tcl 7.0.
- • 'shiftLeftRegion' and 'shiftRightRegion' now move a single line if
- there is no selection.
- Current problems:
- • To those having problems w/ LaserWriter 8.0, please upgrade to 8.1.1.
- • Color is still gone, it'll come back eventually.
- • There is still a problem w/ auto-scrolling of long lines, especially w/
- the Tcl shell.
- • Inserting text in a non-active window still doesn't change the scrollbar.
- • Incompatibility with Directory Assistance.
- • Tcl floating point never has worked, because I don't care. If and when I
- upgrade to Tcl 7.0, this will be fixed.
- ================================================================================
- = 5.65 12-11-93
- ================================================================================
- • 040 instruction cache flush now finally works as advertised. For any of
- you writing apps, Apple says calling BlockMove w/ >= 12 bytes flushes
- the caches. Don't believe them.
- ================================================================================
- = 5.65 12-8-93
- ================================================================================
- • Assorted cleanup.
- ================================================================================
- = 5.64 12-1-93
- ================================================================================
- • 040 instruction cache now flushed.
- • 'wishCol' works a bit better.
- • horizontal scrollbar not created if 'horScrollBar' not set.
- • 'toggleScrollBar' function toggles the horizontal scrollbar of the
- frontmost window.
- ================================================================================
- = 5.63 11-23-93
- ================================================================================
- • Fixed saveashook problem when suffix causes mode change.
- ================================================================================
- = 5.62 11-22-93
- ================================================================================
- • Fixed crash when coming out of screensaver, using window-wizard, etc.
- ================================================================================
- = 5.61 11-22-93
- ================================================================================
- • Fixed problem w/ 'cd'.
- • Update problems when scrolling immediately after dialog fixed.
- • 'saveAll' fixed.
- • Titlebar menu name no longer gets confused.
- • Miscellanious things.
- ================================================================================
- = 5.60 11-14-93
- ================================================================================
- • Fixed misc.tcl.
- ================================================================================
- = 5.59 11-13-93
- ================================================================================
- • Selecting first entry in tag dialog now possible.
- • System font change fixed.
- • Backup scheme changed. There is now a call to a new hook, 'saveHook',
- which is made before any saving is done. The default implementation of
- 'saveHook' creates a backup file in the same directory with "~" as an
- extension.
- • Line duplication in shell gone (actually, it's just hidden).
- ================================================================================
- = 5.58 11-12-93
- ================================================================================
- • Word break in latex mode changed to exclude underscore.
- • Ghost on right border after cuts is gone.
- • Can isearch for bound keys like '{'. Option characters, however, are
- another story.
- • 'commentBox' and 'uncommentBox' are back, courtesy of Igor Mikolic-Torreira.
- • Added 'mousePos' proc, which routines row and column of mouse if over the
- currently active window.
- • 'auto_mkindex' no longer bothered by spaces in pathnames.
- • Alpha will now automatically spin the cursor and yield the cpu during
- long tcl computations.
- • Setting the 'blockCursor' flag changes the vertical bar cursor to a
- block.
- • CopyRing paste problem fixed.
- • Sending and receiving file-specs for the dosc event should now be fixed.
- ================================================================================
- = 5.57 11-9-93
- ================================================================================
- • Fixed crash when Think debugger asks for window Alpha has open.
- • Switching to latex more transparent.
- ================================================================================
- = 5.56 10-16-93
- ================================================================================
- • Fewer w/ non-alphanumeric characters in pathnames.
- • First popup menu in each dialog can be controlled via up and down
- cursor keys.
- • 'replaceText' now leaves the mark at the beginning of the newly
- inserted text and the pos at the end, instead of the pos at the
- beginning and the mark unaffected.
- • ':Tcl:SystemCode:copyRing.tcl' implements a copy/cut ring similar to
- emacs's kill ring.
- • Titlebar menus should be a bit faster and work in all cases now.
- • A few Tcl initialization problems cleared up.
- ================================================================================
- = 5.55 9-26-93
- ================================================================================
- • Fixed bug in 'run' Think command.
- • 'cd' no longer needs quotes to work w/ spaces.
- ================================================================================
- = 5.54 9-23.93
- ================================================================================
- • Fixed tiny bug in automatically saved filesets.
- • Minor reorganization of LaTeX-related files.
- ================================================================================
- = 5.53 9-21-93
- ================================================================================
- • Removed 'OpenHeader' from file menu, it's now in Think menu.
- • 'userStartup.tcl' is now loaded from Alpha's directory rather than a
- subdirectory, and any changes made automatically to Tcl files are made
- to this file rather than some other.
- ================================================================================
- = 5.52 9-19-93
- ================================================================================
- • Bug in directory scan fixed.
- • Update problem w/ 'bringToFront', spurious "File changed..." msgs fixed.
- ================================================================================
- = 5.51 9-15-93
- ================================================================================
- • Added neat 'sicn' menus for Think, Excalibur, etc.
- • Added spellchecking support via Excalibur.
- • Added 'processes' command.
- ================================================================================
- = 5.5 9-12-93
- ================================================================================
- • Added "Directory Scan" to Find dialog.
- • 'powerThumb' now works again (it had been taken out by mistake).
- • 'findInNextFile' think command added.
- • Added 'nextSentence' and 'prevSentence' tcl commands (fill.tcl).
- • 'cp', 'mv', and 'rm' work again.
- • Random other things.
- ================================================================================
- = 5.5b2 8-26-93
- ================================================================================
- • Fixed some problems related to 'ignoreCase' and regular expressions.
- • Symantec C++ will now quit while Alpha is still running.
- • Windows opened in the background now behave properly.
- • Quoting problem w/ prefix/suffix strings fixed
- • Iteration counts now work w/ both 'startEscape' and 'prefixChar'.
- • "File:Open Selection" is now "File:Open Header", and it will now
- probably work right out of the box (it's a tcl routine) for those who
- use Symantec C++.
- • "SaveAs..." now activates the correct mode hook.
- • :Tcl:UserCode:userStartup.tcl now loaded at startup, if it exists.
- • Other miscellanious stuff works better.
- =============================================================================
- = 5.5d1 2-13-93
- =============================================================================
- • Look in the help file for a brief intro to Alpha's integration w/
- Think's Project Manager.
- • Added Think Reference support in "Tcl:SystemCode:think.tcl".
- • Added 'getScrap' and 'putScrap' routines.
- • 'dosc' now allows the event class and type to be sent via command-line
- options.
- • The home of the ToolServer is now specified in AlphaBits.tcl through
- the variable 'toolServer'.
- • 'mv' changed to 'moveFile', 'rm' changed to 'removeFile', and 'cp'
- changed to 'copyFile'. New versions of 'cp', 'rm', and 'mv' written in
- Tcl in "shell.tcl".
- • Alpha now checks to see if the disk copy of a file has changed before
- saving.
- • 'Command-.' now gets out of infinite Tcl loops. DOESN'T CONSUME EVENT!
- • Incremental search now aborts if a key event matches a binding. This
- means that you can't search for 'ƒ' if you have a binding for option-f.
- • Fileset handling moved to a separate file ("filesets.tcl") and
- changed considerably. Added "Dump Fileset…" command.
- • Added "think.tcl" file that contains much code making dealing w/
- Think 6.0 easier.
- • Arrow-key bindings now conform to Human Interface Standards (blech).
- • Auto-horizontal scrolling is back.
- • All of Alpha's commands can now be viewed via the "Help:Alpha Commands"
- menu item.
- • Changed control-z to a prefix char, bound all the window functions in
- AlphaBits.tcl.
- =============================================================================
- = 5.31 2-13-93
- =============================================================================
- • 'icon' no longer calls NewCWindow...sigh.
- • Added '-q' (query) option to "icon" command, used new option to
- remember which windows were already iconified when switching to other
- applications.
- • Alpha now opens files read-only if they have been check out that way
- from MPW's Projector.
- • LaTeX greek submenu split into two.
- • Another 'dosc' problem fixed. Now '\n's are changed into '\r's both
- coming and going.
- • "$HOME:Tcl:UserCode:createStuffItArchive.tcl" contains examples of
- controlling Stuffit Deluxe via Alpha's 'dosc' command.
- =============================================================================
- = 5.3 2-8-93
- =============================================================================
- • XTCL handling fixed up. Two examples in Think C provided. Type "xtclcmd
- sounds init" in the shell to try one out.
- • Stationary documents have the correct name inserted in the window menu.
- • New tools/scripts provided by Tom Moertel (thor@vivaldi.psu.edu) to
- ease compilation and 411 use. The package is available via anonymous
- ftp from cs.rice.edu.
- =============================================================================
- = 5.3.b3 2-1-93
- =============================================================================
- • Multiple windows of same name handled better.
- • Multiple-line Tcl script events handled better.
- • We no longer quit when a file is moved from underneath us.
- • Dirty iconified files are no longer quietly thrown away on a quit...
- • Added new '-r' option to 'dosc'.
- • Keyboard macro dump now conforms to 5.3 syntax.
- • Many other misc changes.
- =============================================================================
- = 5.3.b2 1-21-93
- =============================================================================
- • Iconized windows now open on double-clicks, can be dragged on first
- click even if they weren't the active window.
- • Fixed fileopen bug that sometime occurred when files had been saved
- scrolled further forward than necessitated by the screen.
- • Added " <n>" string to duplicate window names. This number extension is
- both returned by Alpha window routines and accepted by them. However,
- it is not accepted by other routines, such as "edit", etc. For this,
- you should use the full pathname and strip off any number extension
- yourself.
- • Fixed nonsense w/ full names and the window menu.
- • Read-only files work a bit better.
- • Added menu and window documentation.
- =============================================================================
- = 5.3.b1 1-20-93
- =============================================================================
- • Changed directory structure, .tcl files now in a subdirectory.
- • Added 'icon' command to iconify windows.
- • Added pattern library for searches.
- • Added 'getMainDevice' routine and redid the tile routines to use
- 'tileWidth' and 'tileHeight'.
- • Added 'matchingLines' proc, put in "Convert menu.
- • 'Execute' no longer does func completion w/ spaces, but completion is
- still done w/ tab characters. Freeing up the space key means arguments
- can be passed to the command (although the status bar may not be wide
- enough to display them).
- • Menu syntax changed yet again, broadened considerably.
- • Syntax for 'hiliteMenuItem' changed, 'markMenuItem' added.
- • Added procs 'addMenuItem' and 'deleteMenuItem'. Adding and removing
- window names from the 'Wins' menu now handled in Tcl.
- • Changed iterpretation of return value of proc specified by menu
- definition.
- • 'saveasHook' added. See docs.
- • 'nextLine' and 'previousLine' finally try to stay in the same column
- when repeatedly applied, even over intervening short lines!
- • Added 'getTMarks' routine.
- • Removed 'setFSet' routine.
- • Changed 'hiliteMenuItem' to 'enableMenuItem'.
- • Changed variable structure. Alpha variables are gone, as are the
- functions 'getVar' and 'setVar'. Tcl variables can now be set to
- "shadow" Alpha variables via 'shadowVar'. See docs.
- • 'search' syntax enhanced.
- • Option combinations can now be targets of incremental searches.
- • Trailing ellipses in menu items are now stripped off before looking for
- the function to execution.
- • Rearranged 'Utils' and 'Misc' menus, added 'debugTclProc' and
- 'debugOff' routines to 'Utils' menu.
- • Added slow 'wordCount' proc to "Utils:File Utils" menu.
- • '-l' option to 'addMenuItem' allows meta characters to be used
- literally in menu item text.
- • Menu callback routines now have the menu item text parsed back from
- menu form before it is passed to them.
- • fixed 'addFileSet' tcl proc.
- • Added 'watchCursor' routine.
- • Fixed bug in menu creation that incorrectly bad menu definitions.
- =============================================================================
- = 5.2.1 11-19-92
- =============================================================================
- • 'electricCRight' tcl proc now more consistent.
- • The Tcl proc 'matchIt' now properly ignores escaped brackets, such as
- '\}', '\{' etc.
- • Alpha is now stationary-aware, and can create stationary pads as well.
- • The "mode" box next to the horizontal scrollbar now contains a popup
- menu that allows changing of modes. The Tcl variable 'modes' and the
- Tcl function 'newMode' must be defined in order for this to work
- (procs.tcl).
- • The '.tex' mode now sets the word break variables to possibly include a
- leading backslash.
- • Fixed 'paraStart' and 'paraFinish' to handle lines w/ non-null white
- space.
- • The displayed row number now degrades gracefully when we hit 5 digits.
- • All window tiling routines now use 'defHeight' and 'defWidth'.
- • 'useTempMem' var now 'tempMem'.
- • Backward word routine now much faster. However, I needed to add another
- variable, 'wordBreakPreface'. See the help file.
- • Special characters used by the Mac's menu routines are now filtered to
- periods.
- • Fixed 'rowColToPos' and 'posToRowCol'.
- • Added functions 'backwardWordSelect' and 'forwardWordSelect'.
- • Changed arrow-key editing combinations. See "Default Key Bindings" help
- file.
- • Many minor other changes to the tcl files.
- =============================================================================
- = 5.2 11-11-92
- =============================================================================
- • Because of popular appeal, "Print Registration" and "Help..." have
- been removed from the Apple Menu.
- • 'latex.tcl' now supports the option of also requiring the control key
- for latex bindings, leaving option combination for those who use
- 'optionIsMeta' (see Docs).
- =============================================================================
- = 5.15 11-1-92
- =============================================================================
- • Changed 'prevFunc' and 'nextFunc' tcl procs to use 'funcExpr', so they
- now work in all modes. Bound them to keypad '1' and '3'.
- • 'cutNamedClipboard' no longer deletes text until the user says "OK".
- 'pasteNamedClipboard' now gives a default selection.
- • Routines that take a '-w' argument now take full pathnames (as provided
- by 'winNames -f') as well.
- • All 'procs.tcl' routines that use 'winNames' now use 'winNames -f'.
- • Replacement display bug fixed.
- =============================================================================
- = 5.14 11-1-92
- =============================================================================
- • Fixed 'revert' bug.
- • Changed 'insertPrefix' and 'insertSuffix' to use 'replaceText'.
- • Changed key binding handling so that key equivalents of menus are never
- matched if any modifier other than command is present.
- • Changed latex bindings, so that they all include both control and option.
- • Added 'movePoint' and 'selReplace' procs in 'latex.tcl', added their
- use to macros. Also added some additional latex macros.
- • Put an ungodly hack back in the 'methodMenu' so that in the case of
- 'section', 'subsection', 'subsubsection' etc, the items are properly
- indented.
- • Changed 'emphasize' to include '\/'.
- • Added window name option to 'lookAt'.
- • 'winNames' takes a '-f' argument that tells Alpha to return complete
- pathnames instead of just file names.
- =============================================================================
- = 5.13 10-25-92
- =============================================================================
- • In prior versions, selecting new fileSets from the 'Find...' dialog
- eventually caused a crash. I incorrectly blamed this on my routine
- which created a new fileset on the fly. This bug has now been fixed.
- • Added '-f' option to 'launch'.
- • 'sortLines' is now non-recursive.
- =============================================================================
- = 5.12 10-24-92
- =============================================================================
- • Added 'wordBreak' variable which allows customization of the definition
- of a word.
- • Regularized the syntax of 'bind' somewhat; keycode bindings work again.
- • In 5.11, the shell didn't execute commands in the global context.
- therefore 'set' commands, for instance, didn't work correctly. This has
- been fixed.
- • Wrote a 'sortLines' proc (look in 'procs.tcl') and in the "Convert" menu.
- • "Temporary mark" bug fixed.
- =============================================================================
- = 5.11 10-13-92
- =============================================================================
- • Changed 'edit' and 'fileMenu' syntax. I apologise for this, especially
- for 'fileMenu', but there were compelling reasons...
- • Cleaned up 'listBindings'.
- • Added 'ascii' form of bindings.
- • Support for MPW shell via ToolServer and AppleEvents (look at the
- 'Misc' menu.
- • Fixed bug in handling 'dosc' responses.
- • Added Tcl access to search and replace strings.
- • There is no longer a 256 key binding limit.
- • Cleaned up keyboard macros a bit. Searching while recording a keyboard
- macro now compiles settings directly into the macro.
- • 'getPathName' is now 'insertPathName'.
- • New function 'getPathName' returns selected pathname.
- =============================================================================
- = 5.1 10-10-92
- =============================================================================
- • 'sortRange' is now gone.
- • Assorted fixes and minor changes to routines in 'procs.tcl' and
- 'AlphaBits.tcl.
- • The 'dumpMacro' routine is back.
- • The 'describeBinding' is back.
- • Print margins are changeable.
- • Locked files handled better.
- • Added function 'rowColToPos' and 'posToRowCol'.
- • Added function 'launchApp'.
- • Added the ability to re-execute previous shell commands by positioning
- the cursor on a previous commandline and hitting the return key.
- • Added 'dosc' call that allows scripts to be send to a remote server
- (such as Apple's ToolServer or another copy of Alpha), executed, and
- the result returned.
- • Alpha now handles both 'typeChar' and 'typeAlias' forms of the 'dosc'
- Apple Event and so can now be used as a server.
- =============================================================================
- = 5.05 9-5-92
- =============================================================================
- • Fixed routines in "procs.tcl" so that the correct menu item is hilighted.
- • The fonts and tabs dialog now has the default size filled in.
- • Key bindings can now be associated with a specific mode.
- • Support for arbitrary control-character prefixes has been added. As
- part of this, *modifier strings must be all lowercase, except for the
- control-character prefixes*.
- • Cosmetic fix to 'changeMode' proc.
- • 'fileMenu's now correctly work as heirarchical menus.
- =============================================================================
- = 5.04 9-1-92
- =============================================================================
- • The 5.03 distribution had a bad fileset in procs.tcl. Also, the find
- routine didn't check for bad filesets, so...
- • Support for the C-x prefix has been dropped.
- =============================================================================
- = 5.03 8-28-92
- =============================================================================
- • Added popup menus in SaveAs dialog.
- • Allow window size, position, selection to be saved.
- • Changed fileMenus to include a home directory and read-only flag.
- • Removed "Open directly" menu since the help menu now serves the same
- purpose.
- • Removed procs that opened up individual help files
- =============================================================================
- = 5.02 8-22-92
- =============================================================================
- • Got rid of 'prefixChar' and thus key bindings in the style of emacs's
- c-x c-s.
- • Minor indentation fix to 'carriageReturn' tcl proc.
- • Fixed 'prevWIndow' proc.
- • Fixed popup menu hilighting, as well as the lack of default choices.
- • Added Alpha var 'funcPar' back, so tex section menu works again.
- • Added func 'addFileset' to provide a way of creating filesets on the
- fly. Be careful w/ this, as it does somehow cause a bomb if used often.
- =============================================================================
- = 5.01 8-20-92
- =============================================================================
- • Fixed bombs in initialization (looking for menu that no longer exists),
- and in the search routine.
- • All dialogs that use popup menus now conform to HIS.
- • Switched command equivalents for "File:Open Selection" and "Edit:Redo"
- back to their old values.
- • The first and last characters in files can now be searched for.